Exit Survey
Hi There Kids!  Welcome to Zero Robotics.  

We are so excited that you have,  decided to write code for robotics satellites on the International Space Station this summer.  While this challenge might be new to you - we know that you can do it!  

We are asking you to take this survey at the beginning and at the end of your Zero Robotics program.  We want to see how much you (and your teachers) learned over the summer.  We DO NOT expect you to know all of the answers to the questions we are about to ask so please do your best and move on to the next question.  (Hopefully, you will know more answers at the end of the summer though!)  

This is a KIDs ONLY Survey. It will take you approximately 15 minutes to answer these questions. Your participation is completely voluntary and your responses are strictly confidential.  If you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point.
Your thoughts and opinions are important to us!  

Good Luck!

~ The Zero Robotics Team

Please start the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.